When we think of flying to the sunburnt country to swim in the Great Barrier Reef and trek through lush rainforests and sun-bake along white beaches hugged by blue oceans, we imagine the Christmas and New Year season. Fireworks, bikini and board shorts weather, Santa Claus in thongs…
But often the family Christmas feast or our traditional drunken New Year’s shenanigans beckon, and we stay home to spend it with the people we love.
But what about just after? What about February and March when everyone slides back into their desk chairs a few pounds heavier, suffering from post-holiday depression? Why don’t we jump on a plane then? Here are 5 reasons why you should consider doing just that:
1. Less Kids Means Less Traffic
Aussie kids are back to school and for the most part, their parents are back to work. This means less traffic, less kids scrambling up the banks of the river ahead of you and quieter restaurants when you want to treat yourself after a long day on the road. It means settling down on a towel in the sun with a book an an empty beach, sand settled for miles either side of you, no chance of falling into a hole a kid has dug in a flurry of enthusiasm.
2. The Tail End Of Summer Guarantees Warm Weather
February is still Summer, and in Australia, while Summer officially ends, the heat certainly doesn’t. It’s not even warm weather, it’s definitely hot weather. This means the beaches are still comfortable to dunk your body in, the rivers are still perfect to float down and the shorts and singlets are definitely still wearable.
3. Cheaper Prices
The school holiday rush brings about higher prices. Fuel, activities, restaurants, you name it. There won’t be any public holiday surcharges during these months, which can save you a heck of a lot more money than you realise.
4. Cheaper Interstate Flights
If you’re here for a short burst to get your koala and kangaroo-sighting fix, you may want to hop to Cairns or Uluru or Perth for a few days. The great thing about off season is: cheaper interstate flights, especially during the week! Again, less toddlers doing sprints up airplane aisles. No complaints.
5. Bear Rental’s February – March Deal
It would be cruel to leave this piece without enticing you with another reason to hit Australia’s rugged plains early 2018. If you book 20 days for any time in February – March, we’ll throw in 4 days FREE. That’s four more days of accommodation and transport without a dent in your pocket. It doesn’t matter which Bear vehicle you book (check them out here!), we’ll throw in those days. Take it as a belated Christmas present. No worries, mates.
Header photo cred: WorldForTravel